27 research outputs found

    The self-perception of adult educators in Eastern Europe in the post-Soviet transitional period

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    This article addresses the self-images of adult educators in view of exercising their professional agency in contexts of social transformation after the fall of the communist regimes. It draws on research undertaken in Poland, Ukraine and Russia in 2009 which investigated the self-perception and self-evaluation of adult educators with regard to their own educational practice—vis-à-vis the challenges of transition in general and of the need of rethinking the dictatorial past in particular. The interviews with 91 adult educators in three countries illustrate the impact of socio-political change in the period of democratization on the concept of one’s professional identity. They also demonstrate how transition policies create dilemmas for practice which adult educators accommodate or resist. The article discusses how different self-images are linked to socio-political challenges of society in the transition times. It analyses the possibilities, challenges, impacts and constraints of different perception and forms of educational practice in the light of the current situation in three countries. (DIPF/Orig.

    The Role of Adult Education in the Process of Rethinking the Past and its Impact on Democratization. A Case Study in Eastern Europe

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    This paper will present the results of a research project that deals with the topic coming to terms with the past as a problem of adult education. This project aims to define and describe dealing with a totalitarian past in educational institutions and its impact on civic education. It concentrates on Poland, Russia and Ukraine

    Learning from the past: continuity as a dimension of transformation

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    The article discusses (the restoration of a sense of) continuity as a necessary part of transformative learning. Using the lenses of rhythm theory, biographical learning, and memory studies, it highlights both the individual and social dimensions for making sense of the past after a period of change. Discussing the example of an individual transformation and the social transition of Eastern Europe in the 1980s–1990s, it explores two aspects of the transformation process: the need for stability and the selective and altering nature of our process of remembrance. It advocates for developing the capacity to reflect on how we relate to our past and how we narrate the course of our lives

    Mit Dokumentarfilmen lebenslang lernen

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    Auch in der Erwachsenen-/Weiterbildung konzentriert sich der Diskurs um Medienbildung auf den Umgang mit digitalen Medien. Scheinbar gegen diesen Mainstream rückt der Artikel zunächst den Dokumentarfilm als ein modernes Bildungsmedium ins Blickfeld, ausgehend aber von einem strukturellen Medienverständnis werden Dokumentarfilme dann als Medium der partizipatorischen Bildung im Web 2.0 (neu) zum Thema. (DIPF/Orig.

    Plädoyer für Bildungsberatung im Prozess des lebenslangen Lernens

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    Lebenslange Lernpraxis ist heute in vielerlei Hinsicht eine Existenznotwendigkeit. Warum aber benötigt diese Praxis auch immer mehr Beratung? Und was macht andragogische Bildungsberatung im Kern aus

    Bildungspolitik im Wahljahr 2013: die Positionen zum lebenslangen Lernen in den Wahlprogrammen der Parteien

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag reflektiert die in den Wahl- respektive Regierungsprogrammen zur Bundestagswahl am 22. September 2013 formulierten Vorstellungen und Vorhaben der Parteien hinsichtlich lebenslangen Lernens. Der Überblick beschränkt sich auf die Positionen von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen1, CDU/CSU2, Die Linke3, FDP4 und SPD5 - also auf jene Parteien, die bereits jetzt im Bundestag vertreten sind und nach aktuellen demoskopischen Hochrechnungen die größten Aussichten auf einen erneuten Einzug in den Berliner Reichstag besitzen

    Propaganda as a (new) challenge of civic education

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    This paper argues that propaganda poses a (new) challenge to civic education. It examines the tension between education and propaganda in relation to civic education for adults considering (1) civic education as protection against propaganda attempts and (2) propaganda as a possible element of civic education. This paper explores didactical approaches and core principles of civic education that strive to both resist and deal with propaganda. The core proposal of the paper is to root civic education in the tradition of the German concepts of Bildung and MĂĽndigkeit in order to contrast civic education with propaganda or manipulation. (DIPF/Orig.

    Learning democracy in a new society. German orientation courses for migrants through the lens of Buber\u27s dialogical education

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    Migrants, coming to Germany, must attend integration courses in order to obtain a residence permit. These courses are comprised of a language section as well as an orientation section. The latter’s purpose is, according to the German Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), the transmission of knowledge of the German legal system, culture, and history and especially of democratic values of the German political system (BAMF, 2017, p. 6). This article examines the challenges that instructors and participants of those courses face when it comes to the teaching and learning of democratic values, based on a qualitative research conducted in 2018. As the theoretical lens, this article incorporates the concept of dialogue by Martin Buber. (DIPF/Orig.